IAB Jäsenesittely: Integral Ad Science and Björn Österman
Tässä blogisarjassa tutustumme IAB:n uusiin jäseniin hieman paremmin! Nyt on vuorossa Integral Ad Science and Björn Österman
Björn Österman, Sales Director, Sweden and Finland |
Can you tell us a bit about IAS and also about yourself?
Estonian heritage and grew up in the Swedish archipelago as a son to a fisherman. 20 years in the media industry in both tech companies, such as backbone4media, Admeta, IAS and publishing such as Mediaplanet and Egmont. Set up a private ad exchange for Der Spiegel in 2009 just months before the RTB protocol was first made a standard.
What expectations do you have for collaborating with IAB?
I have been involved with IAB Sweden in several task forces since 2013. I enjoy it because it is a great place to learn, get new perspectives, and discuss industry challenges and opportunities openly and honestly. To be part in evolving the industry that I have been working for so long in and love.
My expectation is to learn, make new connections and share as much as I can of the insights that I have.
What does IAS plan to bring to the IAB community?
IAS is a global measurement and optimization company integrated in all of the digital platforms. This means that we track billions of ad impressions every day across the open and proprietary web, meaning that we have insights and cases that are unique. I will share as much as I can to advocate transparency and efficiency in the media space.
Would you like to share your best tips for recovering after an intense work week?
Not in any specific order but the following works wonders for me.
- Cooking with some nice music in the background and a good glass of red wine
- Go for a run, walk or to the gym - is the best medicine
- Read a book - I love reading books but do not spend enough time doing it.
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